Spring Break Essentials

If you live in the US, then you're either on spring break or about to go on spring break. Today was actually my last day, and I have the whole of next week off! Whoo! Now some of you might still be facing cold weather, but in the heart of Texas things are heating up. Whether you're staying at home or going out of town, there's always beauty products that are essential and I thought I'd share mine!

Light Base: I've been a fan of this Aveeno Possitively Radiant Tinted Moisturizer for years. It's great for days when you're just running errands or even just relaxing at home but still want to feel made up. It has an SPF of 30 so you don't have to worry about the sun doing damage on your face. It does have a strong "sunblock" scent but it goes away after a little while.

Blotting Sheets: These little, blue rectangles are my best friends. If you have oily skin, you know what I mean. They're easy to put in your back pocket just incase you happen to pass by a mirror and look a hot mess. And I say that in the nicest way possible.

Lip Balm: A lip balm with SPF would be better but I surprisingly didn't have any (an excuse to shop?) But something like the C.O Bigelow Rose Salve would work. 

Cooling Spray: Now if you're going somewhere warm for spring break, and you're going to be outside alot then a cooling spray is a must. Bath and Body Works used to have these cooling perfume sprays in aerosol cans but I'm not sure if they still sell them. The elf Makeup Mist and Set is a cheaper, and for sure available, alternative. It's meant to refresh your makeup but I use it whenever the sun is being a little (or a lot) harsh.

Bright Nail Polish: I always have my nails painted because that seems to be the only way for me to not bite them. Gah, need to break that habit! But having a pretty color definitely helps me stop whenever I subconsciously go to bite my nails.

Of course, sunblock for your body is a must but knowing me I'll avoid the sun, stay indoors and blog. Yes, I know. I live an exciting life. What are your spring break essentials?

iscelle robee


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