I've always loved libraries, even during a time when I didn't have access to any. I'm pretty sure every reader and book lover has a very romanticized view of libraries, probably stemming from watching Beauty and The Beast and seeing the library inside the castle. 

Junior high was definitely when I read the most. I was an office aide in 8th grade and whenever there was down time, I would go into the library, which was right next to the front offices, and check out books. I remember I used to check out three to five books at a time and I would go to the library at least twice a week. Since then my reading tapered off until it became non-existent and didn't make a comeback until 2019. Since getting back into reading, I made a library card in 2020 and started checking out ebooks. The library I was getting books from is far from my house and that's why all of my loans were only ebooks. 

There is a library near my house but it was a small library so I never really went in there. Back in April, they moved to a much bigger location and there's so much more space to hang out and read. In my TBR Challenge post, I said I wouldn't get library books to focus on my own books but as you can see, I didn't follow through with that. When I said "library books", I meant ebooks from the other library that's far from my house. I thought I would be fine not checking out ebooks because I didn't have any on hold but actually being in a library feels different and it's truly magical and it's almost like buying books lol. I mainly got graphic novels to try and get out of a reading slump and I think the act of getting new books, even if I'm not buying them, is also helping. The concept of having "new" books to read is making the consumerism monkey inside my brain happy and definitely confirms that I turn to consumerism for distraction and momentary happiness. I guess it's better than actually buying books? I'm not spending money AND supporting my local library. It's really a win win situation. 

iscelle robee


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