Back in high school, summer was truly the time to reinvent myself. Or at least I thought of it that way. Did I actually make significant changes with my life during those months? No. I remember making lists of what I want to do during summer and I always ended up doing almost nothing on those lists. I love the idea of doing things but the reality is that I'm lazy and I like staying home and doing nothing. Which is why these goals are achievable with me staying home lol. These are my June, July and August goals!


Hats off everyone who does weekly vlogs because the commitment is truly admirable. It's one thing to film and post a sit down video every week but weekly vlogs that consists of clips from every day is a whole other thing. I used to love doing weekly reading vlogs but whenever I do them now I just lose interest halfway through. Especially if I'm just eh about the book I'm reading, I don't want to do a reading vlog because what would I say? Even if it's not a reading vlog, I just want to get back into how interested I was in making videos. One video a month is doable.


Walking the one mile is easy, it's remembering to do it that's difficult. My family has a treadmill so I'm lucky to be able to get exercise without having to burn in the heat. I have no weight or strength goals, I just want to be somewhat active everyday. It's not like I was constantly working out before the pandemic but since being home all the time and gaining weight, I realized that even just walking around campus was helping me not gain weight. 


I'm very much a rewatcher. I have an arsenal of shows and movies that I love and I just rewatch them instead of trying to find new favorites. I was in a reading slump in April so I ended up watching so many shows. I watched season two of Bridgerton and The Great, all three seasons of What We Do In The Shadows, finally watched Shadow and Bone, and fell in love with Our Flag Means Death. I've rewatched OFMD like four times now, that's how much I love it. I had a list of shows I wanted to watch in May but I only ended up watching one of them (it was Good Omens, I liked it). I want to watch more shows and movies, even ones that I previously wasn't interested in watching. I'm sure a show or movie will trend on Tumblr and I'll see one gif set that will convince me to watch it.


I clear out my closet and room regularly but no matter how much stuff I get rid of, my space continues to feel and look messy. I've pretty much stopped buying decorations for my room and the "mess" is mostly due to all the books I have. There's not enough space on my shelves so I have books on every available surface in my room and there's just a lot of things out in the open and not hidden away. I need to clear out things that I'm not using and figure out a good organization system. Another smaller bookcase is definitely needed. 

I'm trying to think of more but nothing really comes to mind. There are quite a few other things I want to do but I wouldn't call them goals. They're also hard to measure so I don't like putting any sort of pressure to do them. I hope the start of summer is treating you well! 

iscelle robee


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