I'm still on my no-buy and all I want to do is buy books. Reading books, buying books, and scrolling through online bookstores are all different hobbies and I would like to be able to do all three especially the second one. 

    I honestly feel like I'm one minor inconvenience away from booking books so maybe you'll see a book haul here in the near future. Who knows, anything can happen. Here are the books I'm daydreaming about!

Call Down The Hawk
    Ronan is my favorite character from The Raven Cycle and I loved The Dream Thieves because we got his POV. This trilogy follows him and Adam and whatever shenanigans they get up to with their powers so I'm excited and I will be buying the entire trilogy once the last book comes out this fall!

    It's been awhile since I've read anything postapocalyptic novel and I just feel like it's time to get back into them. 
All That's Left In The World
    The same reason as above lol. This is described as "What if It's Us meet They Both Die at the End" and I love both of those books so I have high hopes for this.

This selection of books is the "cover buy" category.

Funny You Should Ask
    I know this is about a journalist and a celebrity who meet years after? The question mark is there because I'm truly not sure. I really like when pink and red are used together so this cover absolutely calls to me. 

Just By Looking At Him
    All the reviews I've seen of this are people praising it for being funny when it shouldn't be as funny as it is. The cover art looks like a painting and for that reason alone, I am obsessed. I love covers that look like they belong in a museum.

Hell Followed With Us
    I first saw this book in a recommendations list of books that have to do with religious guilt. Knowing that and seeing the cover made me really curious about it because that cover is wild. 

    I read Graceling last month and I really want to continue the series. I think is is more of a companion book, not a sequel, but it's the second published book in the series so I want to read it next anyway. 

I, Eliza Hamilton
    I randomly found this while walking around the book section as Walmart, as you do, and I just keep thinking about it. I'm a fan of the musical and I'm really surprised that I haven't read anything to do with the Hamiltons. 

All Our Hidden Gifts
    This is also a cover buy, especially after I saw it in store because it's bigger than the standard YA book. I don't know why I love it when books are the standard size. Maybe I'm just curious on why that decision was made.

So there you go. These are the books that I'm daydreaming about buying and the reasons that go along with them lol. Watch this space to see if I break my no-buy 👀

iscelle robee


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