Little Things Series

As we're growing up, we start thinking more about the future and what we're going to do once we're out of school. Soon we're filling out college applications, and worrying serious, adult thing like taxes or whatever serious things adults worry about. But every once and awhile, you come across something from your childhood and you're instantly brought back to simpler times. We get so caught up in growing up that we forget, in a sense, where we came from. The toys we used to love when we were little. The horrible fashion choices we made. Our first crush. Every little detail that helped mold us into who we are today.

This came to me during a dark period at my school. Within a week and a half, we lost two of our own. Seeing my friends all choked up, and hurting stabbed at my heart knowing that all they wanted was for the two of them to be with us again but they couldn't. We may not almost get along, but during our time of need we come together as a family and take baby steps to getting better. Last week, I realized that I couldn't part with the program that I've grown up with. The people that I've gotten to know and love have helped me so much that I just can't spend my last year of high school not being with them.

I'll try and post the "Little Things Series" posts every week and it'll be a different topic every time. From simple tips on being more confident to music and movie recommendations, it's just a little something that will hopefully brighten up your day and give you another perspective on things.

Hopefully this series will help you. Or just keep your mind occupied for the time being, just to give your mind something else to think about. There's no use in being sad over something you can't change or have no control over. Let's spend our time thinking positive thoughts; a baby's laugh, hot chocolate, the smell of freshly washed sheets. You know, the little things that make us happy.

"Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish."  - Brad Henry

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