Little Things That Make You Happy

Some days, it's easy to smile. You wake up to your favorite song, the sun peaking into your room giving you a glimpse of what a beautiful day it is. You drink your morning coffee, blended just the way you like it. You're dressed in your best outfit. You arrive to school or work feeling happy and ready to take on the day.

But sometimes you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Your alarm didn't go off. You forgot to iron the shirt you wanted to wear that day. You got all the red lights. You forgot the project that was due.

But when things go wrong, you can either look up or look down. When things are going bad, you can only move on and try not to clutter your mind with negative things. Here are some things that instantly brighten up my mood taken from my "Reasons to Smile" notebook.

#15 Using a pen that makes your handwriting look nice

#63 Weird voice mails that people leave, thinking that they're talking to a friend when they actually have the wrong number

#244 Girl's Scout cookies

#56 The themes that Google use on special occasions

#84 Cupcakes

#50 DARREN CRISS ♥ (Yes, this is how it's written in my notebook)

#121 White chocolate

#267 Making lists

#139 Listening to Jesse McCartney's "Beautiful Soul"

And now here are some things that make my friends happy. I asked them what they're favorite numbers were and what makes them happy. Surprisingly, most of them didn't ask why I was asking and just answered!

#6 "Spanish because it's something I'm good and feels near to my heart, and I feel like communicating is one of the most important gifts and speaking Spanish communicates not only physical words but feelings and sentiments too"

#3 "Playing with little kids"

#6 "I just really love when people ramble on about something they really love or are passionate about, when they get lost in their words. Oh, and marker tip pens. I love those things too"

#4 "Puppies because they're always happy to see me"

#8 "Music because it's pretty"

#98 "French fries or food in general"

#19 "Guitars cause they're sexy. Cold weather cause I like runny noses" (I still don't know if he was being serious...)

#2&11 "My twin, clinically obese cat, and thin mints"

#6 "Color guard because I love performing"

#7 "Food makes me happy. Well, rainy nights make me happy too because I love falling asleep to rain"

#4 "The sky, and if the weather is nice because it makes the world look pretty"

#21 "Puppies make me happy cause they're adorable"

#12 "Dance because it's my favorite way of self-expression and I can be myself"

#5 "Classic movies make me happy"

#23 This is lame but reading I love it so much and I hate that I can’t really read a lot during the school year. It makes me happy because I can completely forget about reality and just kind of lose myself in the book and it’s nice to escape from everything like that"

Hopefully, this has made you smile or reminded you of something that makes you smile. Sometimes all takes is a couple of deep breaths and a few positive thoughts.

"Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day"

iscelle robee


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