Short Hair, Don't Care

Um New Year, New Me? Just kidding! Same ol' Iscelle, but with less hair. I've been wanting to cut my hair short again but the thought of hating it always made me not go through with it, which isn't really a good enough reason since I've been cutting my hair short during the second semester of every year of high school. Maybe that's why I finally decided to cut it again, to keep the tradition going. But yes, the 'mermaid hair' is gone. Whenever I have short hair, I always have to blow dry it straight because if I don't the ends will go whichever way and let me tell you, it ain't cute. Seeing as it's been about a year and a half since I've had to actually put effort into doing my hair, you guys have any tips for me? Product suggestions? Help a sistah out.

iscelle robee


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