Hello Again

I blogged about these two when I first got them last year. I hadn't used them yet so I wasn't able to give my opinion on them and to be quite honest, I didn't use them that much afterwards. It might have to do with the fact that the weather was hot and the Eight Hour Cream was too thick for my liking, and my skin wasn't in very good condition so I didn't want to risk the serum making it worst.

Fast forward about a year later, and about a 30 degree difference I am loving these two products! I've been using both for about a week now, and I totally understand why everyone raves about the Eight Hour Cream. It's a thick moisturizer that just injects moisture back into your skin, ideal for winter months. We didn't have a long winter last year, but this year I'm grateful for this miracle worker! I use it all over my arms, and legs and I was worried because it does have a slight scent but it hasn't bothered my skin so far.

I've been using the serum every other night just so my skin can get used to it, and not freak out if it does end up reacting to it. Since I've only used it a couple of times, I haven't noticed any huge difference but it does make my face feel a lot softer, and it's a lot less red in the morning.

iscelle robee


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