Madeline Noelle's Makeup Bag

I was supposed to take a picture of Madeline but she's a little camera shy, even though she's freaking beautiful it's not even fair. If I was her, I'd never stop taking selfies. True story. But anyway! OST, meet my friend Madeline. Or rather, Madeline's makeup bag. She's definitely a high end makeup girl, and the contents of her makeup bag sets my heart a fluttering. You guys know I love my drugstore picks so it's probably best if Maddie talks you guys through her bag....

"I don't really use anything on my face, I just use concealer and it's the Sephora brand. I like it because it lasts a really long time, there's a lot of product in what you get. All my mascaras are from Benefit because I love the brand. They're long lasting, sometimes a little too long lasting but I still like it.  I've yet to find a good, long lasting lip color but the one I'm using is the Bobby Brown ones. The eyeliner I use is the gel eyeliner from Bobby Brown as well because it's really creamy and I love it!"

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