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Every year I always make a list of New Year's resolutions but I never achieved them. For 2013, the only resolution I had was to blog more, and I can proudly say I achieved that goal. Obviously, I'm not going to stop blogging, and will continue to post regular content on OST. Feeling a little bit more confident in this whole New Year's resolution thing, I decided to add some more to my 2014 To Do List.

Try Something New Every Week: Whether it's something as simple as trying out a new recipe or even just going up to someone I've been wanting to be friends with and saying hello, there's so many things I want to do. Obviously I can't just fly out to Europe whenever I want (but how amazing would it be if I could?!) but there's a lot of things I haven't done, and places I haven't been to. I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone a little bit more by trying out new things. 

Read 50 Non-Required Reading Books: Because of the books I have to read for school, I don't really get to read just for fun. There's so many books on my bookshelf just waiting for me, and my wishlist of books will never stop growing.

Completely Cut Out Drinking Soda: This won't be too hard for me since I haven't been drinking soda (outside of parties with no water) since the end of my sophomore year anyway. But for some reason, my parents decided to buy soda, which is weird for us because that hardly ever happens, and I'm been drinking Sprite non-stop. Like, it's pretty ridiculous how much soda I've had in the last month. Now that it's a new year, I've decided to completely stop drinking any soft drinks, even if they're sitting in our pantry calling my name. Shush, you cans of carbonated goodness.

Unplug: This might seem to contradict the whole "blog more" thing, but sometimes it's nice to get away from our twitters, and instagrams, and enjoy being with loved ones. I'm completely guilty of checking my phone without even realizing that I've taken it out, and this year I'm going to work being more 'in the moment', so to speak.

Be More Daring: This goes along with trying out new things, but it's more to do with being more confident in doing things. Being confident enough to wear red lipstick on a regular school day, or being confident enough to buy a dress I've been putting off buying because I don't think it'll look good me. Basically, I want to do what makes me happy, and it's okay if other people don't understand. 

Finish Abigail: Oh, man. Where do I even begin on this one? 'Abigail' is the official unofficial title of a story a started in seventh grade, when my love for writing fully blossomed. It's separated into three (or is it four...?) stories, a story for each year in my character's lives. Looking back and reading it is super embarrassing, but I'm also proud of myself for creating something that a lot of people loved. True story: People found out about my story through my friends, and it got to the point where people were passing my notebook around to one another and writing little comments on my margins. I stopped writing the story during the end of my eighth grade year for whatever reason, and since I've been inspired to get back to writing, I thought it'd be fitting if Abigail and I finished our senior year together. 

iscelle robee


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