Bad Weather Days

If you live in the US, I'm sure you're aware of this freak winter we're having. Places up north are snowing like crazy and even the south, which is known for mild winters, is getting a taste of what "real" winter is like. Personally, I think Frozen is the reason why we're having this weather but I can't prove anything. I'm not complaining though! I love winter time, and we didn't have school last Friday and today! Best. Winter. EVER.

Since I don't have school, and I'm procrastinating on homework (shhh, I'll finish it), I thought I'd tell you guys what I usually do on the rare weather days we get!

The Obvious: Sleep. Wonderful, beautiful, much needed sleep. The school district made an announcement on their website last night, and let me tell you that I slept better knowing I didn't have to get up early.

Movies: I don't know if I ever told you guys, but 'The Devil Wears Prada' is my favorite movie. I can never get enough of it! Aside from that, I basically just have a date with Netflix. I've been watching a lot of documentaries, like "Somewhere in Between" about four different Chinese babies being adopted by American couples and how they grew up 'stuck between two countries'. It's really interesting, and I may or may not have shed a tear (pshh I totally did). My friends have recommended some movies for me as well. 'Stuck in Love', 'LOL', 'Timer, and 'The English Teacher' are all on my list. And I can't go on Netflix without being tempted to watch Gossip Girl, The Carrie Diaries, and Jane By Design. They're my fool proof shows to watch.

Work: Yes, I am procrastinating a bit, but with school being cancelled everything has been pushed back and I have more time to work on things. Thankfully I've finished most of my work this past weekend but there's this one english project that just won't end and we have to present it tomorrow. It's a good thing I work well under pressure, eh?

My family and I are currently at my aunt's house, belly full of warm pho and coffee tapioca. I hope you guys are having a great day, and if you're out in this extreme weather BE CAREFUL!

iscelle robee


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