And the book obsession continues. I'm sure I'll be getting more throughout the summer but as of now, these are the books that I really want to get through with during the summer. Most of the books are parts if series' that I haven't finished so I'm trying to get those out of the way. It's a hefty pile, considering I'm going to be traveling for most of summer, but I am determined!

UGLIES Series - I've already read the first book in the trilogy, and I'm currently reading the second book, PRETTIES. It's a dystopian series where everyone turns 'pretty' once they turn sixteen, and it follows Tally Youngblood who was really excited for her operation until she found out the truth about the operation.

The Mortal Instruments - I started reading this series during my freshman year, and my friend actually bought me the fourth book of the series because it came out five days before my birthday that same year. But that was pretty much the last time I even touched any of these books. So! In honor of the release of the final book, I decided to buy the fifth book, City of Lost Souls, and the final book, City of Heavenly Fire.

Bad Girls Don't Die Series - I read the first book way back in eighth grade, and I haven't read the rest of the books. I remember really liking Bad Girls Don't Die, the first book in the series, so I just decided to buy all three books.

Faerie Wars - I've had this books since fourth grade. Fourth grade. That's nine years, guys. I know I started to read this but I honestly don't even remember what it's about. We shall see what I've been missing these past nine years.

iscelle robee


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