Am I officially a college kid now? It's still so weird to think about college considering that I graduated high school just two Fridays ago. I still have two months of summer left but being at my future school and actually sleeping in the dorms just made things more real; I am going to college

If it wasn't already clear, I had orientation for my college yesterday, and today. I'm not going to post pictures just for privacy purposes, sorry! We actually just got home but I wanted to get this up because we're leaving in the morning for vacation! Freshman orientation consisted of a campus tour, some meetings about classes, and registration for said classes. I had a roommate, and even though it was only for two days and one night, it was nice getting a taste of what dorm life would be like. Overall, the experience was a lot of fun and I'm even more excited to start school this August!

iscelle robee


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