So I'm not a high school student anymore. Yup, that happened yesterday. Is it weird that I don't feel any different than I did the day before or the weeks leading up to this day? Some people were super excited but I've always just thought of it as something that's bound to happen, like it's not even a big deal. I have mixed feelings about leaving high school, to be quite honest. I'm excited to see new faces, and get a taste of what it's like to live on my own. But at the same time, with high school ending, so do a lot of things that come with it. A part of your childhood (a bit dramatic but it's true), the petty drama, and friendships that you thought would last. I guess it's all pretty bittersweet. When one door closes, another one opens right? I'm definitely going to miss my choir family. My choir director has been like a mom to me, and everyone who I've became friends with while I was in the program has been a blessing in my life. The teachers who thought me more just what was on their lesson plans. Even the friends that aren't my friends anymore. Thank you for being with me at some point in high school. It's been a crazy ride hasn't it?

iscelle robee


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