Guest Style: Kiara Alyssa

OST, meet one of my best friends Kiara. This girl has been my partner in crime when it comes to fashion, British music and basically all things European and bohemian  since we become friends in seventh grade. We bonded over MGMT and The Wombats while fangirling over fashion blogs, planning outfits of ditsy print dresses with ankle boots that we  found while thrift shopping . Oh yeah, me and Kiara were hipsters before it was cool to be hipsters.

A little background on the lovely Kiara. She plays tennis, she's fluent in Spanish and German, and she's currently in Germany with a host family. Kiara's one of those people that everyone just loves, and fawns over. I knew I do. Number one Kiara fangirl right hurr. She has a tumblr (Culture and Contradictions) and I'm sure she wouldn't mind a few more followers so go follow her and tell her I sent you! 

Celebrity/Style Inspiration: Emma Roberts
Go To Outfit: Denim shorts, loose flowy white blouse, sandals
Must Have/Wishist For The Season: Cute tennis shoes (like Converse) and Denim vests
Describe Your Style: Lax, semi-boho, bourgeois hippie
Wardrobe Staple: Denim shorts
Favorite Place to Shop: Urban Outfitters and Nordstrom 

iscelle robee


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