
As I'm writing this, I am currently nursing a cup of tea with my glasses on and my hair in a messy bun. Typical Iscelle-after-big-events mornings. Last night was my choir/theatre banquet, and like everyone else in the program I was counting down the days till I could literally dance the night away. Too involved in helping with last minute preparations (choir officer probs), I completely forgot to take pictures for OST. Sorry!

Our banquet has always been a Black&White Ball, and this year my dress was just a simple peplum-skirt dress from Forever 21. I usually don't bother with my hair during big events, and last night I chose to just leave it at it's natural wavy state. My makeup was the same as my daily makeup plus a slight smokey eye using brown shades, and a bright red lip so I that I looked a little more put together and banquet ready.

Banquet started off with the food - oh my goodness, the food was glorious - and then we had a video of all the seniors and their goodbye messages, followed by a hilarious skit by the theatre officers, then awards for the choir seniors. All in all banquet was a lot of fun, as usual, and even though there were times were the DJ had some um...questionable music tastes, being around my choir/theatre family made the night amazing. As expected, banquet was a great way to end the school year!

with Shelby 
with my best friend Katrina
Post banquet ratchetness with Tiffany
iscelle robee


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