If you're in university, you'll understand what I mean when I say that I don't really have spare time. There's always some sort of school work for me to do and if you're involved with organizations or have a job, then you're probably running around trying to make it on time. But during the times were I'm not too bogged down with school, this is what I like to do.

Sleep - This speaks for itself. When you're in college, it honestly feels like you're always tired. I would spend days in my bed, if I could.
Watch documentaries - I really like watching documentaries about WWII and anything about European monarchs. I espcially like watching documentaries about lesser known royals.
Write - I'm always writing. Whether it's just lists or blog posts or short scenarios that I make up in my head. I used to write stories a lot more than I do now but when I have time, I just spill everything that's been on my mind lately.
Take blog pictures - Whenever I do something for the blog, it's usually because I've had a sudden burst of motivation and inspiration. So that I don't break my flow, I like taking pictures for multiple posts all in the same day.
Redecorating my room - I like rearranging my furniture around and changing the layout of my room. Obviously, I can't do that every time I'm in the mood for change because it takes a while to move things around and clean everything back up. I like printing out pictures to stick on the walls or I rearrange just one part of my room, like my desk or how I store my makeup.

iscelle robee


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