I love cold weather. I've lived in places with warm weather pretty much year round all of my life but "winter" is my favorite time of the year. I put quotations around winter because living in the south, I haven't experienced a proper winter. It seems like it gets warmer and warmer each year. But on the  days where the temperature does drop, I cherish it all and take advantage of the cooler weather. There are a few reasons why I don't like winter but for this post, let's focus on why I live for this time of the time.

  • Christmas
  • Winter outfits are cuter than summer outfits - FACT
  • Getting new knit sweaters
  • Layering clothes
  • Red Starbucks cups
  • Starbucks peppermint mocha
  • Christmas decorations everywhere
  • Christmas songs everywhere
  • Dark lipsticks
  • Holiday specials on TV
iscelle robee


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