Spring cleaning in August is a thing. On top of actually reading the books I have, I want to be realistic about what books I keep. Ones that I know I'll definitely read and ones that I really enjoyed and want in my collection. I don't have a book for every category but I have more than one for some questions so I guess that evens things out. 

A book you rated low
    'Four Dead Queens' by Astrid Scholte

I vlogged my reading experience of this. I was underwhelmed.

A book you changed your mind about

A book I liked but then thought about it some more and decided I don't really like? A book I was excited about but am no longer interested in? This category could mean both but either way, I don't have an answer for it LOL.

A series you won't be completing
    'Daughter of Smoke and Bone' series by Laini Taylor. 

I read the first book last year, tried to continue on with the second book and just found myself not really caring about what I was reading. So many people rave about Laini Taylor's writing and I don't know if it's more evident in her other books than in this series but I didn't notice anything special about it?

A book you DNF'd

    Whenever I DNF a book, it's usually a "I'm not in the mood for this right now, I'll get back to it later" rather than a "wow I don't like this. I won't finish it EVER". The books that I have DNF'd are ones that I'm still excited about it. So I don't have a book for this either.

A book you have multiple copies of
    'The Odyssey' by Homer, 'The Crown's Game' by Evelyn Skye 

I have the Barnes and Nobles Classics edition of 'The Odysssey' and the Penguin Classics edition. I read the B&N one for an English class in high school and its written in prose. I definitely prefer reading it in verse so I'm keeping the Penguin Classics edition. I have two copies of 'The Crown's Game' and I'm getting rid of both. I'm also going to go ahead and get rid of its sequel 'The Crown's Fate'. I have very lukewarm feelings about this duology and I'm sure someone else will find more enjoyment out of them.

A book you'll never actually get to
    'Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell' by Susana Clarke

I got this book because Regan from PeruseProject was reading it but even she had a hard time reading this tome and she regularly reads chunky books. Time to be honest with myself and just admit defeat before even attempting to read this.

A book you bought because of the hype
    'Station Eleven' by Emily St. John Mandel, 'Throne of Glass' and 'Crown of Midnight' by Sarah J. Maas

I started reading this and I don't know if it was the writing or the fact that I tried reading it at the start of quarantine and it felt too real, but I didn't get very far. Now that I've put it down, I'm not excited to pick it back up. A lot of people love this book so I'm sure someone else will give this the love and attention it deserves. I'm still kind of interested in reading the 'Throne of Glass' series but the editions I have are the miniature character collections and my poor eyes can't handle then.

A book you bought because of the cover
    'Attachments' by Rainbow Rowell, 'Helena' by Evelyn Waugh

The edition I have of 'Attachments' is one of those hardcovers with no dusk jacket and the art is printed straight unto the binding, which I am a sucker for. I would prefer hardcovers over paperbacks if they were all like that. 'Helena' gave me Jane Austen vibes and that's why I bought it lol.

A book don't know anything about
    'A Face like Glass' by Frances Hardinge , 'The Half-Drowned King' and 'The Sea Queen' by Linnea Hartsuyker

My college randomly had a Scholastic book fair and I was thrilled. There was one bookcase that was 2 for $10 so I bought one book that I had actually heard of before and was interested in and 'A Face like Glass'. Don't know anything about it, just chose it because it looks like something I would be interested in. This could also work for the previous category! Another reason I want to get rid of it is because its that awful paperback that's super stiff. I've noticed that's often the case with paperbacks published by Scholastic. 'The Half-Drowned King' and 'The Sea Queen' were purchased purely because they were cheap adult hardcovers. Yup, that's it.

A book you didn't buy
    'Brunette Ambition' by Lea Michele

Glee was such a special show to me during junior high and early high school. One of my friends gifted this to me for Christmas and I'm not going to lie, I never read any of it. It's been sitting on my shelves and has survived unhauls over the years because it was gifted by a friend but it's time to let go.

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