You know when you love a book and you want to read more books just like it? That's what happened with these. Whenever I love a book, I immediately Google "Books to read if you like [insert book title here]". Shout out to Book Riot and Epic Reads for having lists upon lists of anything you can think of. Even if you think what you're looking for is too specific, they probably have a list of recommendations for you. Not counting sequels, these are the book purchases that were influenced by other books.

The Lady Rogue
    Books that made me buy it: The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Makenzie Lee, The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell

I laugh whenever I think about why I bought this book. I read that it's perfect for fans of The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue and The Last Magician and I was like cool cool I'll probably like this too. What makes me laugh is that I bought 'The Lady Rogue' before I read either book. I have read TGGTVAV (what a long acronym) but I still haven't read 'The Last Magician'. Because of that, I still haven't read 'The Lady Rogue'. I'm not sure why I'm so particular about when I read it. Maybe I just want to see if it really is perfect for fans of the other two books.

The Silence of the Girls
    Book that made me buy it: The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood, The Trojan Women by Euripides

I read The Penelopiad and The Trojan Women for a Mythology course I took and I really enjoyed both. I've mentioned it before but I love retellings and books that follow the perspectives of other characters from another story. Following women's perspective during ancient Greece is very interesting to me so I thought I would really enjoy reading this as well.

Bringing Down the Duke
    Book that made me buy it: An Assassin's Guide to Love & Treason by Virginia Boecker

I love the idea of historical romances but most of them are just a little too much on the romance side for me yknow? That's why I really liked An Assassin's Guide to Love & Treason. A Shakespearean plot with romance at the side. After I finished reading that, Bringing Down the Duke kept popping up all over IG and I was easily influenced. I've heard this has pretty steamy scenes so 👀

A Song for Ella Gray by 
    Book that made me buy it: Blanca & Roja by Anna-Marie McLemore

This is a perfect example of those recommendation lists at work. I searched for "books with magical realism" and this one caught my eye. 

We Set the World on Fire
    Book that made me buy it: Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson

This one was purchased not because it's similar to Undead Girl Gang. I got this because Lily Anderson mentioned this author in her dedication and acknowledgments and I was like yess we love friendship.

Tash Loves Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee
    Books that made me buy it: The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Makenzie Lee

Another book I found out about because of lists. I had never heard of this book before seeing it on a B&N recommendations list but I recently watched a video where someone recommended books that made them feel good. I don't remember the booktuber because I'm not subscribed to them and it was just on my YouTube home feed but seeing that made me finally buy it and I'm excited to read it soon! A recent favorite book is Radio Silence and this book also gets recommended for people who love that in a lot of recommendation lists. Although it's not the reason why I bought Tash Loves Tolstoy, I wanted to mention it as well.

* In the time that I had this post just sitting in my drafts, I've been made aware of things Mackenzi Lee has recently done that I don't agree with. Although I still love The Gentleman's Guide to Vice & Virtue for what it is, from now on I will be more cautious about posting about her work.

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