Tag videos used to be a staple in the beauty community on YouTube and I feel like no one really does them anymore. I've always enjoyed sit down videos where people just talk about things. I loved watching them because they were essentially just list videos and I do love a good list. Now, bookish tag videos? *chef's kiss* 

This tag was created by Tabby from the channel Keeping Tabs.

1) Do you have a book with deckled edges?

    First books that came to mind are the ones in the 'Three Dark Crowns' series by Kendare Blake. All four of them have deckled edges. 


2) Do you have a book with 3 or more people on the cover?

    I have 'The Glass Town Game' by Catherynne M. Valente, and that has four little kids on the cover. I also have different editions of 'The Outsiders' by S.E. Hinton and some of them have more than three people on the cover.


3) Do you have a book based on another fictional story?

    I love retellings so yes, I have many! I have the whole 'Lunar Chronicles' series by Marissa Meyers which are fairytale retellings. I have 'Pride' by Ibi Zoboi and 'Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors' by Sonali Dev, both retellings of 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen. I have a lot.


4) Do you have a book with a title 10 letters long?

    Looked at my shelf, and the first book I looked at had ten letters! 'A Map of Days' by Ransom Riggs.


5) Do you have a book with a title that starts and ends with the same letter?

    I remember Lala from BooksandLala using 'Six of Crow's for this so that can be my answer. For an original answer, 'Sorcery of Thorns' by Margaret Rogerson.


6) Do you have a Mass Market paperback book?

    I generally don't like Mass Market paperback and the genres that get published in them aren't ones I typically read. I do have 'Once and Future King' by T.H. White and 'Mythology' by Edith Hamilton.


7) Do you have a book written by an author using a pen name? 

    Ooohh this is an interesting one. I truly don't know a lot about the authors of the books I read unless I've read a lot from them. The only one I know for sure who uses a pen name is Judith Lewis aka Cassandra Clare.


8) Do you have a book with a character's name in the title?

    I have 'Emma' by Jane Austen, 'Jonathan Strang & Mr. Norrell' by Susanna Clarke, 'Sophie's World' by Jostein Gaarder, 'The  Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle' by Stuart Turton, and 'From Twinkle, With Love' by Sandhya Menon. 


9) Do you have a book with two maps in it?

    Maps aren't really something I pay attention. I never look at them while I'm reading to get sense of the world so if I don't notice them when I first open the book, I'll miss them completely. My answer for this is 'Six of Crows', even though I had no idea it had a map let alone two. This is my answer only because I remember someone else used this answer in their tag video. I just looked at the book and that was truly my first time seeing those two maps LOL.


10) Do you have a book that was turned into a TV show?

    I have the 'The 100' series by Kass Morgan. This is a show on CW and they're on their seventh season.


11) Do you have a book written by someone who was originally famous for something else? i.e. celebrity, athlete, politician, TV personality, etc.

    Ooohh the first question where I don’t have a book for it!


12) Do you have a book with a clock on the cover?

          I just looked at the ‘Infernal Devices’ trilogy, and none of them have clocks on the cover even though all their names contain the word. Does that count? I’m counting it.


13) Do you have a poetry book?

          Yess. I have a few issues of ‘Poetry Magazine’ which are binded up like a regular popular collection. I have ‘Milk and Honey’ by Rupi Kaur, ‘Black Aperture’ by Matt Rasmussen, and ‘Mid-September Letters’ by soyen.


14) Do you have a book with an award stamp on it?

          The first one that immediately comes to mind is ‘Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe’ by Benjamin Alire Saenz. Pretty sure it has three or four awards on its cover.


15) Do you have a book written by an author with the same initials as you?

          My initials are I I and I really doubt I’ll find such an author, let alone on my shelf.


          After looking at all my books, I was correct LOL. The only author I have that even has I as one of their initials is Ibi Zoboi.


16) Do you have a book of short stories?

          I’m not the biggest fan of short stories, unless they’re stories from an existing book universe, like ‘Stars Above’ by Marissa Meyers. Its short stories from the Lunar Chronicles world.



17) Do you have a book that is between 500 and 510 pages long?

          I know people use Goodreads for this but different editions sometimes have different page counts so I actually have a handwritten list of my books and their page count. The only book I have that works is ‘The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue’ by Makenzie Lee at 501 pages.


18) Do you have a book that was turned into a movie?

          I have a lot for this list! ‘The Hunger Games’ trilogy by Suzanne Collins, ‘The Hate U Give’ by Angie Thomas, all of Jane Austen’s novels, a couple of classics like ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ by Oscar Wilde and ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte, ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ by Diana Wynne Jones, ‘Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children’ by Ransom Riggs, and ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ by Kevin Kwan.


19) Do you have a graphic novel?

          No, I do not! I’m always tempted to buy some but I know myself and that’s just not a storytelling style that I enjoy reading.


20) Do you have a book written by two or more authors?

          Not counting anthologies, I only have ‘Aurora Rising’ by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.

Turns out I have most of these books. But I have multiple answers for some of these questions so that evens out the ones I don't have right? I'm going to say yes.

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