Most school's are already out for summer vacation already and if you're one of the few who still have regular classes, hang in there! Summer is closer than you think! But for those of you who are already on vacation and don't have any definite plans, if you're like me then you're just in the house most days lazing around. This summer, I actually have an internship and summer classes to juggle. It'll be a little crazy but I'm pretty excited to see what I can achieve. Even if you don't to do something that takes up too much of your summer, I thought I'd give some suggestions for things to do that are fun and productive. 

Attend classes: If you can take summer classes for your high school or university, I highly advice you to do it. It makes your school semesters easier since you're taking less classes and in university, it means you can possibly graduate earlier. And this doesn't only apply to classes for school. Take a cooking class, a pottery or art class, attend free seminars about topics that you're interested in, take an online course for a language you've been wanting to learn. Summer is a great opportunity learn new and fun things.

Volounteer: Whether you sign up for a specific program or just for a day, volunteering is an awesome way keep yourself busy while helping others. Animal shelters and food banks are always in need of more volunteers so if there's one near you, check to see if you can help out.

Internships: If you're in university already, internships are a great way to gain experience and get your feet in whatever field you want to work in in the future. It can be pretty stressful trying to find internships and that it's super competitive, no matter what industry you're trying to get into. Intern Queen is a great website to get tips and notices about internships.

Make a list of books/movies you've been wanting to read/watch: For the homebodies out there, I didn't forget you. You might not think it's productive to just stay at home and read or watch movies, but if you have a pile of unread books like me, it's satisfying to finally read them and put them away.

Start a personal project: Personal projects are something that I always encourage. Whether it's starting a blog, sticking to a workout routine and losing pounds, or just revamping your room, set up a goal for yourself and work towards it.

iscelle robee


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