Spring is about new beginnings, and starting anew. The flowers start to bloom, shorts and sundresses are brought out from hibernation, and the whole 'out with the old, in with the new' comes to play. Whether you have a week long break from school or even just a free weekend, here are some of my tips to starting fresh this spring!

Fashion: With winter coming to an end, you're probably going to want some new spring appropriate clothes. Before you go shopping, make an inventory of what you already have. If you come across a piece of clothing that you haven't worn in months then you could probably do without it. Donate it, sell it, or have a clothes swap with your friends! Going through your clothes also reminds you of what you already have, and can still work into your spring wardrobe. 

Make-up: There are basic guidelines for how long you should keep your makeup. Liquid foundations are usually good up to a year from when you start using it, and powders can last even longer, as long as you keep the top layer clean. Cream products, like blushes, eye shadows, and highlighters, usually have a little mark on the back telling you how long the product should be used. It's not a strict thing, but if you;re worried about germs and such it'd be best to follow. Everyone says mascara's have a three to four month life span but I honestly think it depends on the mascara. Some are more wet than others so they typically last longer.

Self: Spring cleaning can also be applied to yourself. Eat cleaner, get a basic workout routine going, pamper yourself! Now that you've shed those winter layers, time to go out and feel the sunshine. Take some time out of your busy schedule to do something just for you. Go shopping for a new sundress, get a massage and facial, or just stay at home and watch Netflix. It's important to have down time, and just relax.

iscelle robee


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