We Crave A Different Kind of Buzz

This week was our Cabaret production week ending with Cabaret last night! Cabaret is a show that my choir puts on every year, where we sing songs from Broadway musicals. It's the first big thing that our choir does during the school year so whenever it comes around, the energy in the fine arts hall is ridiculous. It's always exciting because we get to sing fun songs and get to wear 'costumes'. A lot of people find it stressful but I love dress rehearsals. It makes it all the more entertaining to sing and dance whenever you dress for the part. Caught up with everything, it didn't hit me until the after party that this was my last Cabaret performance. EVER. I don't want to get all sad on you guys but I teared up while waiting backstage. Listen to me when I say that you need to cherish your time in high school! You'll miss it more than you know.

iscelle robee


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