Somewhere Only We Know

You guys have seen Rachel's face before, and now I'm introducing my other best friend. OST, meet Katrina. Katrina, welcome to OST. Now that we've all been acquainted, here are some of the pictures from our best friend shoot!

How about a little story on how we became best friends?

We were all in the same Theatre class in seventh grade (seventh period with Mr.George, he was quirky and awkward) and we became friends because of our mutual love for shirtless werewolves and sparkly vampires. Yup, Twilight brought us together. That's why that movie will forever have a special place in my heart. Even though we were friends, it wasn't until the eighth grade that we got super close because we had choir together and we fangirled over Glee (so basically our friendship is built on our obsessions, don't judge).

Even though the three of us have only had two classes together in all of our high school career (choir during our Freshman year, and yearbook this year), we've managed stay close and keep our friendship strong. Even though we're all busy with our different organizations, I know I can always count on these two. Whether I just need to rant about something that's bothering me, or I need a full on crying session I know they have my back. They're my sisters and I am so thankful I have them in my life.

Back then, we all had different career paths we wanted to go into; I wanted to be an author, Katrina wanted to be a director , and Rachel was set on being a doctor. Years later, and our career choices all go along with each other (Communications/Media Studies, Advertisement and Journalism). I'm taking that as a sign that we're meant to be friends. I'm blessed to have been able to call Katrina and Rachel my best friends for the past five years, and I'm excited for what the future has in store for us.

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