My Day: Chris Colfer


As we speak, I am still hyped up on the excitement of meeting Chris Colfer. Let that sink in; Chris Colfer. You can say I was a little bit excited. My best friend and I decided to turn this into a biffle day and my goodness it's been glorious. We got the tickets at the store, and then spent the next ten minutes walking around saying "Oh my God. We're walking on the same ground he's going to be walking on in three hours". We just couldn't believe that we were going to be face to face with him. I still can't believe I was face to face with him! We had time to kill so we went to eat, and take OOTD pictures which weren't fun because it was cold and windy and miserable but we braved it because CHRIS COLFER! Have I mentioned that I love Chris Colfer, and I met him? Because I do, and I have. We weren't allowed to pictures with him so we were stuck taking creeper pictures, but it was still wonderful. FACT: Chris Colfer is even more beautiful and adorable and perfect in real life.

iscelle robee


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