In my revamp and return to this little corner of the internet, I found out that I've had this blog since August of 2012. Which means it's going to be a whole decade since I've been typing away on here!! Wild to think about that but what's more wild that I still have the same approach to blogging. I'm here because I like to talk about things that I like and I just find the whole thing fun. Even during the times when I wasn't lurking around here, my love for this space and all the time I've spent on it have kept me from completely abandoning it. 
    I go through phases of being super motivated to write blog posts and one of the reasons this time is that I went through the tags on my blog and went through old posts from 2013 through 2015, which was when I was blogging the most. I saw the types of posts I was writing and I was inspired by casual I used to be, which is kind of funny to think about. I'm still very casual now but I was even more casual than I am now and I want to bring that back. 

Monthly Makeup Picks

    At the start of 2020 I was actually planning on doing a project pan but with everything that happened, I barely wore makeup. Over the years, I've really cut down on my makeup collection and I regularly go through them to make sure that I'm using everything. Of course, I'm not going through them in the same way I would have pre-pandemic but I'm still trying to use as much as possible before they go back. 

My Day

    I completely forgot I did these posts and I feel like they really captured the essence of why I started this blog and it's because I just like talking about myself to no one and everyone. Not going on a lot of outings these days but that's okay because even just going to the bookstore feels like a big outing these days (my family is still shielding/social distancing).

Music/Video Picks

    I posted one recently, a dance performance by Holy Bang. I've been really liking video essays recently so I want to share the ones that I've enjoyed and have made me think and look at things differently. Studio vlogs are also an old favorite that I've gotten back into. Seeing into an artists space is always interesting and inspiring, even if I'm not working on art. 


    These posts used to be about makeup I wanted but now it'll probably just all be books lol. I looked at the old posts and majority of the things I listed I never bought lol. Maybe talking about the books I want will have the same affect and I'll end up not buying them (which is for the best because I have too many books and not even attention span to read them!!)


    Pretty self explanatory. Whenever I see a quote that I like, I take a screenshot and post it on my Instagram stories. 

Short Reviews

    Short reviews on everything. New products, books, TV shows and movies I've enjoyed. Just a paragraph explaining why I enjoyed something and I think you might like it too.

    What I really want to bring back is the short and snappy blog posts that I used to do. Not everything needs to be an article length post. Sometimes a few sentences about a lipstick I've been loving or a song that I've been listening to non-stop is enough for a post. Part of the reason why I haven't been posting as much in the last few years is because my short and snappy thought on things get posted on Instagram and Twitter. It's a lot easier and lowkey to post on those platforms but I would like to bring that same ease and lowkey-ness back on here!

iscelle robee


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