Here we are, friends. Just a few days short from the last month of the year. High-fives and three cheers for all of us for making it through the year! This is usually the time when people start making their new year's resolutions but before we talk about 2022, I wanted to talk about a few goals for December!

Read Five Books

    I've read way more than I expected this year and I've been averaging 9 books a month. I'm never pressured to read a certain amount or read when I don't feel like it and I'm really just including this because I know I'll achieve it and I like to feel accomplished lol.

No Buy 

    The holiday season the most expensive time for a lot of people. Buying gifts for others is fine and all but the temptation of buying for yourself with all the sales happening is very real. I've already done my Christmas shopping so there's really no reason I should be buying more. This really should be a book buying ban (that's what I buy the most) but I'm going to apply to everything - makeup, clothing, etc.

Walk/Cycle More

    I am definitely at my laziest when it's cold. All I want to do is stay in bed and stay warm and the thought of moving around and thus leaving my warm bubble is not a priority. My family has a treadmill and a stationary bike (I don't know where it came from?) so there's really no excuse for me not to be active when I have access to some equipment. 

Watch More Shows and Movies

    I'm terrible at watching things. I always watch like three episodes and then just abandon it. It takes me twice as long to watch a movie because I keep pausing and doing other things. I want to discover/watch new things (at least new to me) and stop rewatching old favorites all the time. I posted about Kdramas I wanted to watch this year back in January and I haven't watched any of them lol. Those are just some examples of what I want to watch and I have a list of movies that I've been interested in for years and I want to make my way through them.

iscelle robee


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