I had no idea non-fiction November was a thing but I've been participating in it without even realizing it. 
    When I think of non-fiction, history books are always what comes to mind first and then memoirs. Although I'm interested in those two categories, I don't want to consume them by way of books. I would much rather watch a documentary.
    Non-fiction is definitely out of my usual reads but because I've been watching Leena Norms I've been made aware of quite a few non-fiction books that I really like the sound of. Out of the three, Leena always recommends "Factfulness", a book where the authors reveals the ten instincts that distort our perspective and explain why the world is better than we think it is. It offers the "glass is half full" approach to things that we worry about.
    The other two I found just from perusing book sections of stores (Costco and Five Below lol) and thought they would be interesting. I've been reading sections of all of them because I feel like that's the best way to read books like these.

iscelle robee


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