Without a doubt, KJ Charles is my favorite author discovery this year and one of my favorite authors ever. I randomly discovered them through the Will Darling Adventures series in January and I was hooked. I've read almost all of their books now and I should really slow down or else I'll run out of books to read and that just can't happen. 
    The times that I've mentioned KJ Charles in my videos, I always mention the pacing of them because it is just phenomenal. So much happens in Charles' novels that they could honestly fill a 300+ page book. But even with everything, it never feels rushed or like the author crammed in too many things in less than 250 pages. The writing is witty and intentional and there's no wasted scene. Every time I read one of their books, I'm always amazed even though I already knew they were a great writer.

Another aspect of their novels I really enjoy is the social and economic commentary in them. And they're never written in a "LOOK! This is a book that has social and economic commentary" kind of way. They're woven into the story in a natural way, in a way that shows the injustices that regular people face everyday and the ways they influence how they navigate life.

While I've read majority of their published work, "A Case of Possession" is my first physical copy! I thought reading a physical copy would feel strange since I've read everything through ebooks and audiobooks but I went through this just as quickly. I'm kind of obsessed with how empty the cover and back is without the usual blurbs publishers put on there and I want to buy every KJ Charles novel I read instead of getting them as ebooks from the library. 

I posted about the some of books I've read from KJ Charles and my rankings of them last week on Instagram and I've added them below! It's not everything but just know that I've rated every story I've read 4 or 5 stars so I highly recommend them all!

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