The other day I wrote out a blog post with the same title. I talked about how I unexpectedly hit a reading slump right before The Reading Rush, which is happening this week, and that it was taking me so long to read my current book which at the time was the first book in the Percy Jackson series. I talked about that and how I was feeling and how the internet can be so draining sometimes. It felt good to just rant and write it all out so I published it and it was out of my brain. But literally ten minutes ago, I scrolled through my blog and saw that only the first two sentences of said blog post was published? So now I'm in a reading slump and annoyed.

    I'll just rant about the same things as last time because no one read it and those things are still annoying me. I'm not sure what brought on my reading slump but I'm blaming the internet. The week before the slump hit me, I was actually off of Instagram and kind of twitter. I even went as far as downloading an app that would lock me out of what app I chose. The first day, I found myself constantly going on Instagram only to be reminded by the lockout screen that I couldn't. But the next day, that barely happened. It got less and less throughout the week and it felt very freeing. I know that sounds dramatic, it's just social media. But if you're so used to being on it and not even realizing how much time you spend just mindlessly scrolling, it's a pretty big thing to not be glued to a screen. But when I did get back on Instagram and started posting again, it's like my brain malfunctioned and turned me into a zombie. Since joining Bookstagram and following more people, my feelings about it all have been a weird mix of FOMO, anxiety and frustration. It's definitely not a healthy mix. This weird mixture has also led me to not feeling inspired to do YouTube videos. Just like with everything in the internet, there's Drama and Tea and I'm just here rolling my eyes. Can we please just all calm down and mind our own business? I truly don't understand why people think the things they tweet out is in any way acceptable and in most cases, it's obvious they're just looking for a reaction. Get off the internet and read a book, bro. 

    The only upside to these weird two weeks has been my rekindled love for blogging. Because I wasn't feeling inspired to make videos, a voice in my brain was like ʷʰʸ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ʷʳᶦᵗᵉ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵒᵘᵗˀ and so here I am. I feel like I'm back in high school, drafting up posts enough for the next month. I've been enjoying my time in this little corner of the internet and I think this might be my real return. Of course it would be books that'd remind me how much I loved writing on here. I'll still want to make YouTube videos, I really do enjoying the process of editing, but I'll most likely be on here more than YouTube.

    I finally finished Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. The book picture above is my current read but it's been two days and I'm only about fifteen pages in so the reading slump is still here. But I'm okay with this. I'm trying to just relax and remember that I love reading, I enjoy reading, I do all of this for fun. I don't want to force myself to read and have any negative feelings about something that I love and gives me so much comfort. 

iscelle robee


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