When it comes to reading, I pretty much stick to what I know. Almost all YA, fantasy, some dystopian, rarely contemporary. For the most part I'm cool with that because I read for fun and this is the formula that works for me. However, there are some genres that I have enjoyed reading in the past and I would like to add them to my regular rotation. 

    Once upon a time, I wanted to be an English major. That's a lie, I still wish I was an English major. In another universe, there's an Iscelle who majored in British Literature and has a whole bookshelf filled with the beautiful orange Penguin Classic novels. I took a Jane Austen class last year and I loved it. It reminded me that I do like reading classics. I've realized that I do have hard time reading them for recreational reading though. I get through them much better if I'm reading them with a critical eye and I have to look for themes and answers to essay questions. I thoroughly enjoyed writing essays for my Jane Austen class so I might be searching discussion questions and writing essays for fun to encourage me to read more classics. 

    Specifically Shakespeare. Even more specifically, the Pelican Shakespeare editions by Penguin Random House. They're not any different than other editions except that they're beautiful. I've only read plays for class, Literature classes and one semester of Theatre Appreciation, so I don't actually know if I'll enjoy reading plays outside of an academic setting.     

Adult Romance
    I used to read a lot of YA romance, back in my Twilight and Sarah Dessen days, and those were truly the days. I don't remember if I've ever read adult romance so it might cheating to say that I want to read "more" of this genre when I haven't even started. But there's so many titles that I see floating around Instagram and I just love the idea of them all. There are specific books that sparked this and it's the Brown Sisters books by Talia Hibbert. I keep seeing "Take a Hint, Dani Brown" and the FOMO is so real.

Adult Fantasy
    Not going to lie, adult fantasy novels scare me. They're always much chunkier than YA and the worlds are much more flushed out and intricate. The writing is also drier than YA and I can't get into it. I feel that way about most adult books, to be honest. The writing feels different and it really takes me out of the story. But! I am an Adult so I want to read more books that are actually targeted for me and I thought romance and fantasy would be a good starting place instead of diving head first into something like literary fiction which I think is a boring genre but that's neither here not there. Specific titles I want to get to are the books in the Daevadad trilogy and the Poppy War trilogy.

iscelle robee


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