Making a list of what books I want to read is one of my favorite things to list out. Lists and books, two of my favorite things. I'm pretty good at sticking to my TBRs and the times that I don't complete them, it's usually a situation where I don't read everything I wanted to rather than me reading books not on the list. 

    My reading goal for this year was actually pages rather than number of books. I chose 15,000 pages and in order to input a number on Goodreads for my reading goal, I divided that number by 400 and got 37.5 and that's how I chose 37 as my original goal. I figured that 400 was a good number because I read fantasy and those are usually chunkier but I've only read a handful of books over 400 pages so I adjusted my Goodreads goal to 40 books. Not that really matters because it's I'm less than a thousand pages away from my goal and it's only halfway through the year. 

    Phew. That was a long and boring explanation of my reading goals. So! These books are books that I've started and put back down for whatever reason and want to finish. And some books are just ones that I want to get to before the end of the year.

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
    This is an adult contemporary about a guy whose job is to filter through emails sent throughout the company to make sure that the employees are following policy. Because of this, he ends up following a thread of emails between two women who work within the company and he falls inlove with one of them. Not going to lie, I bought this because it's one of those hardcovers with no dust jacket and I am a sucker for those. If I had known about the plot, I probably wouldn't have picked it up because it sounds kind of creepy. I've read her YA contemporaries, Fangirl and Eleanor & Park, and didn't like them so I don't know if I'll like this but I already have it so I might as well read it.

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
    I wanted to read this before watching the movie but I ended up watching the movie in theatres with my cousins before I could get to the book. Rachel's boyfriend, Nick, invites her to go to Singapore with him to attend his best friend's wedding and also meet his extended family. She finds out his family is hella rich and she gets kind of ostracized while she's there because she doesn't come from a rich background. This is an adult contemporary romance, which are three genres that I don't read from. However, I really liked the movie so I think it'll be easier to get through this because I already know the story.

Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore
    I love the idea of historical romance but I haven't read any. So when I saw this floating around Instagram, I bought it immediately and it's been sitting on my shelves since. What I know about this is that the main character was accepted into Oxford on scholarship but part of her scholarship requires her to be a part of the rising women's suffrage movement. She needs to get men who have social influence to champion the cause and that's where the Duke comes in. I don't know much more than that but that already sounds like a great story. I'm expecting commentary on women's rights and a swoony romance that my Jane Austen fangirl self will love.

A Map of Days by Ransom Riggs
    This is the fourth book in the Peculiar Children series and I don't know what it's about. All I know is that it still follows the same characters as the previous three books. LOL that's it.

We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
    I bought this to read during the Asian Readathon and I started to read it but couldn't get into it. The main character, Zafira, is a hunter and she dresses as a man in order to be able to do the things she does. I know there's a prince and they go on separate missions to get the same thing. What that thing is and what it does, I do not know. 

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern 
    This is a very well-loved book. Every post and book review I've seen about this has been positive and on paper it sounds like I'd love it too. It's about two magicians who have been trained since childhood to compete against one another but then they ~fall in love~. Magic, and romance? Here for it.

The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell
    I think this is an urban fantasy? What I know about this is that it's set in New York, or at least part of it is, and magic is almost extinct. The remaining few that have magic are in hiding because there's something in Manhattan that would make them lose their magic. The main character is a thief and she ends up traveling back to the early 1900s to steal an artifact? a book? that could help save the remaining magicians in present day New York. 

Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
    Where to begin with this book? I've known about this series since I started watching booktube back in 2014 and it kind of has a cult following. It seems to be one of those books that people love but fully acknowledge that it does not hold up in 2020 in terms of political correctness. This is about a boy who comes from a bad background, and he gets scouted to be a part of this time for a sport called Exy? It's like a hybrid of lacrosse and hockey. I have it on my Kindle app because the ebook was free, and I think the reason I stopped reading it is just because I have a hard time reading ebooks, not really because of the story. Not much had happened from the point where I had read up to.

Shades of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab
    Another beloved series that I want to get to. In this series, there are parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White and Black. The main character is one of the last people who has the ability to travel between all four. Aaaand that's all I know. This series will be my first time reading anything by Schwab.

The Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare
    I read the first four book of the main Shadowhunters series in high school, and then I let the last two books sit on my shelves for like five years. I finally read them last year and now I'm ready to get back into the world of Shadowhunters. I know this is set in the past so it won't be the same set of characters that I'm used to but I feel like just being back in this universe and reading Cassandra Clare's writing will be nostalgic. I also have the first two books in the Dark Artifices series, which I also want to get to, but I'm prioritizing this series first. 

    There we go, fourteen books I want to read before the end of the year something that is fast approaching oh my God. I really need to stop waiting for "the right time" to read books and just read them whenever I want. I have this thing about reading books that I've had longer before reading new books and that usually puts me in a reading slump because I'm not as excited about what I'm reading. 

iscelle robee


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