August is almost here which is absolutely wild and to cope with everything, I will be drowning myself in books. I'm going to be participating in two readathons, Wikathon and Hype-A-Thon, and I decided to join a book club, The Crusty Club. This is a very ambitious TBR list but I'm excited! We can just ignore the fact that I'm currently going through a reading slump and will probably read very little.....

    August is Buyan ng Wika in the Philippines, which is National Language Month. It's to celebrate and remind Filipinos how rich our culture is in terms of our languages. I remember my school in the Philippines would have presentations and there would be students chosen to perform monologues and it was a whole thing. Maybe, through this readathon, I'll finally read the Wattpad novels my mom bought for me when she went home a few years ago LOL. I haven't decided if I'm going to marathon these books or space them out so I'm reading them throughout the whole month. 


    I had quite a few books written by Filipino authors and I'm glad I have some that I haven't read yet so that I'm able to join in this readathon!

The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco || Filipino SFF, Filipino LGBTQIA+, New To Me, Host's Choice

500 Words or Less by Juleah Del Rosario || New To Me

Libulan || Sariling Wika
    This is in Bisaya, which is my first language. I can speak it fluently but reading it is a whole other story. Even reading messages from my family takes me a minute so this is going to be a challenge. It's an anthology so I'm going to read a few pages of this everyday to pace myself.

Para Sa Hopeless Romantic by Marcelo Santos III || New To Me, The Modern Pinoy, S2pid Love, Sariling Wika
    This is one of the Wattpad novels I was talking about. I loves James and Nadine, individually and as a couple, even though RIP their relationship. This is my only book for the prompt S2pid Love, which brought me so much joy when I read it. I had to listen to the song immediately, and all of a sudden I was eight years old again and way too young to fully understand the lyrics I was singing. This book is in Tagalog, which is a language I know even less than Bisaya. My skills are literally second grade level because that's when my family moved to the U.S so this is going to be a bigger challenge. But I've seen the movie so that should help me read this better. 

Tales of Long Ago in the Philippines by Maximo D. Ramos || New To Me

    Hype-A-Thon is a year long readathon and it focuses on reading hyped books/series. Pretty straight forward and casual. Let's be honest, everyone participates in this even if they don't say it because we all read hyped books at some point. But I am here to announce it to the world and make a TBR for it. Putting books in a TBR list doesn't necessarily make me more likely to read them but having a TBR for a specific readathon or a theme does. So! I'm going to take a week out of Wikathon to participate in this. I want to read 'A Darker Shade of Magic' and 'Clockwork Angel' , the first books in two very hyped series.

The Crusty Club
    I've been thinking about joining a book club for awhile now. I mostly read backlist titles because I only got back into reading last year and I have so many books from the past years that I want to get to first. Most book clubs read newly published books so I figured joining one will allow me to read newer titles without the trouble of having to decide which one to get or just going out of control and buying a whole bunch. It also ensures that I actually read them instead of sitting on my shelves for months. The one I decided to participate in is The Crusty Club, created and run by Chanelle. The book for August is Radio Silence by Alice Oseman. LOLS I just talked about joining a book club so I can read new books and the first book is three years old. This is actually why I decided to join this book club. Chanelle put up a poll on her Instagram stories asking if people wanted older or newer titles. She announced the August, September and October books and when I saw that there was an older title along with books that are a few months old, I thought this book club would be a good match for me. I like that she chose books people would have better access to because they're not super new, and that she announced them way ahead of time. 

These are the August, September, and October picks

    There it is, a very ambitious TBR that I will most likely not complete! Life is kind of resetting in August so I have to somewhat get back to "normal" life and I won't have a lot of time to read towards the end of the month. University is something I have to participate in, which is weird to think about because I've fully settled in quarantine life now. My school hasn't even said anything on whether or not we're doing face to face classes. Probably not because Texas can't get it together. If I do have to go on campus, then umm pray for me.

iscelle robee


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