I know what it's like to feel pressured to look a certain way or be a certain way and when those pressures are constantly hanging over your head, your confidence levels go down. Most of the time I just brush it off, and remember that I'm pretty awesome just the way I am (you are too!) but there are days where I feel insecure about myself and all I want to do is shut down and not go out of my room. 

Last Sunday was International Women's Day and as someone who is all about girl power and empowering other women, I thought I'd share some of the things I do whenever I'm feeling a bit blahhh about myself.

- Go through my blog - I'm super proud of myself for starting and keeping up with my blog. It's not the best and I don't have thousands of followers but it's my little baby and I love it
- Read encouraging quotes
- Remember the things I like about myself
- Play around with makeup and dress up
- Hang out with friends - Awesome supportive friends give me life.
- Write down whatever is bothering me on a piece of paper and rip it up
- Remind myself about the things that I've accomplished
- Go outside and spend some time with myself - Sometimes you just need to take a step back and regroup.

What do you do to make yourself more positive and confident?

iscelle robee


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