Wow. It's been a while, hasn't it? Second semester started off busy and it kind of just bled through to February. It's hard to believe that February is just ending, last month seriously just dragged on. I'm hoping March will be less stressful with spring break coming up and me settling with how classes are. 

Just like every winter break since my freshman year of high school, I had this epiphany of sorts this past winter break about life - things I want to do, things I should do, I basically give myself a huge pep talk about how I could do so much better in every aspect of my life. And that brings us here! At the beginning of every month, I want to share some life lessons that I learned in the past month that helped me. January and February were both busy but they were also a lot of fun. Here are some things I learned in the past month that helped me get through the stressful times.

Ask for help: I don't like asking for help. Like at all. I was one of those people in high school that never asked questions in class or went to tutoring even though I had no idea what was happening in class. I didn't like admitting that I wasn't able to grasp the concept of something or that I couldn't do something by myself. Since starting classes, I've realized that there's nothing wrong with asking for help every once in a while. I'm still stubborn with admitting that I need help, but I'm getting better.

It's all about priorities: I read these quote on tumblr and ever since, I've tried to apply it as often as I can. The quote was "Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "it's not a priority," and see how that feels". Basically, if you say something isn't a priority and it doesn't sit well with you then that means it is a priority and should be tended to first. I say this about school things and it just reminds me of what I need to do first.

Having a solid support system is super important: It might be because it's the second semester but I'm much more comfortable this semester than I was before. The group of friends I have now are a God send, to be quite honest. I'm a lot happier than I was last semester and I'm super greatly to have them in my life.

Sometimes, cutting people off is necessary: Graduating from high school made me realize who my real friends are and who were the people that I only talked to because I was with them five days a week. Last semester was a weird time for me, social wise. My university is only three hours ago and because of that, I didn't really try to form proper friendships. I was still holding on to my high school friendships and trying to keep up with my "friends" who were still in high school. But as the semester went on, I stopped talking to them and I was feeling really lonely. We still talked with a few text messages here and there but trying to keep up our friendship was becoming more of chore. I realized then that I was making myself sad over people that didn't really matter anymore. I'll always cherish the memories we made but in the long run, my happiness and well being comes first.

Move on: This goes along with the last one. Jame Patterson said it best, I think; "Bad stuff does happen, sometimes. Always remember that. But remember that you have to move on somehow. You pick your head up and stare at something beautiful like the sky , or the ocean, and you move the hell on."

I hope you guys had a fabulous February and an even better March!

iscelle robee


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