If you're like then you're prone to constantly worrying about things but keeping it all bottled up. I'm not very good at expressing how I feel so I just end up dealing with my problems myself and I've finally come to realize that that isn't healthy. We should be able to talk to someone and just let out everything we're worried about and not stress. Like I said, I'm not god at expressing how I feel but I am getting better at actually talking about my emotions. Until I'm totally comfortable with that, I have this handy little notebook to turn to.

It's from the brand 'Knock Knock' and you can get them at Barnes and Nobles and on their online store. This is the mini version of the 'It's Gonna Be Okay' book and just carrying this around gives me a sense of security. I'm not sure why but knowing that I can just take it out and write out my worries makes me worry less. Of course, you can do this with any notebook of your choice but I like reading the quotes after I finish writing and they always manage to lift up my mood.

iscelle robee


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