Write more : My cousins and I watched a lot of Filipino movies over the break and some of them were from fanfiction that turned into books in the Philippines. Because of that, my cousins and I kept brainstorming and talking about writing our own stories with our favorite Filipino artists in mind. I used to write stories a lot so this year I want to take some time to just sit and pour out what's on my mind.

Be stronger/fitter: I feel like this is on everyone's new year's resolution but this year I really want to work on endurance training and work on upper body strength. I also want to eat healthier. Eat less junk food, drink more water and eat more greens.

Read more: I'm pretty sure one of my resolutions last year was to read 50 books but I only got to 20 books. So this year I'm not going to set a number but I'm just going to make a conscious effort to read. 

Get my license: Ha! This should have been done like three years ago but it's never too late right? I just need to practice driving again (I have my learner's permit) and get over my fear of driving.

Better myself: Be a better listener. Be a better friend. Be more open minded. Create better content. Be more patient. Stop comparing myself to others. Learn piano again. Take more pictures. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Be a better student. Try new things. 

iscelle robee


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