We're already into the second half of the year, and I thought we could walk down memory lane and revisit my New Year's Resolutions post to see if I've kept my word on achieving them.

Try Something New Every Week: This one was something that I really wanted to accomplish, and I can honestly say I've been doing good on achieving it. I count little things as well, like learning a new skill, going to a new place or even just eating something you've never eaten before. Because I've been on the road so much, I've spent quite some time on YouTube looking for new artists (or at least new to me) to listen to. During this vacation, I had coffee from the original Starbucks shop in Seattle, ate a macaron for the first time, walked across a suspension bridge, and went paint ball fighting. 

Read 50 Non-Required Reading Books: You guys know I am currently on a reading kick, and I honestly don't know if I'll be able to read 50 books but I am definitely reading a lot more than I have been in the past two years. That counts for something, right?

Completely Cut Out Drinking Soda: Now this one I was doing really well on. Until we May when we had relatives stay with us every weekend, and we had soda in the house. Even now on vacation I find myself drinking more and more soda. I'm still going to try and avoid soda all together but since this was supposed to be an a complete break off of soda, I think this is a fail.

Unplug: Obviously, I've still been blogging, tweeting, and posting pictures on my instagram of my vacation but whenever I'm with friends or with family I put aside my phone and focus on just having a good time. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I unconsciously do pick up my phone and start checking my social media but we'v all been there right? Sometimes we just don't realize that we do it.

Be More Daring: This one is a definite yes. I don't want to go into detail but I recently made some choices in my personal that I normally wouldn't make and I am so glad I did. And! Like I mentioned before, I walked across a flippin' suspension bridge, which moved a lot thanks to people who didn't like to follow rules (rude), and went paint ball fighting where I was one of the three survivors during a Zombie vs. Human field. Homegirl gets trigger happy....

Finish Abigail: Um. I haven't even touched my Abigail notebook ever since I made my first post. Sorry?

So that's like three and half accomplished? I still have the rest of the year to achieve them though!

iscelle robee


  1. I'm with you on the reading thing. I NEED to read more. 50 is a lot & not always feasible, but so long as you're trying. Anything is better than nothing.:] // ☼


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