That right there, my loves, are the books that I have on my shelves that I haven't read yet. Some I've had for years and have just been sitting around unloved, and others I've gotten somewhat recently but haven't gotten around to reading yet. I'm sure there's more unread books scattered around my house, but these are the ones in my room and I have a feeling they're going to have some new friends soon (hint: book haul?)

A year ago, I had a post about the books that I was planning on reading. Please know that I bow my head in shame when I say that out of the five books on that pile, I've only read two. I read more than two books (I read books not in the pile) but still, two is pretty pathetic right? Since then my Books to Read pile has gotten bigger, and the list of books that I want to buy is longer. And if you follow me on twitter, then you'll know that I've been obsessed with Booktubers lately which means the list of books that I want to read has gotten ridiculously long. I'm desperately trying to get back into reading since it's the end of the year and the school work is pretty much nonexistent. I just started "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson. I'm hoping to finish it this week, but we shall see...

iscelle robee


  1. Wow that's quite a few books!! I have 2 books that I want to read - The Fault In Our Stars (got it for xmas and still haven't read it! Want to at least start it before I see the movie...!) & Mindy Kaling's autobiography (started on a holiday last yr but didn't finish...) Good luck with your To-Read List! With summer coming up maybe it'll mean more chances to pick one of 'em up to start :)

    Cat // CACHOO JOO

    1. i've read TFIOS and oh my goodness get ready for feels! tell when you've read it and what you think of it! xx


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