I'm about to say something that I'm sure you can all relate to; I love to eat. I'm usually eating some sort of snack throughout the day (when I'm at school), and I like eating smaller meals more often than sitting down for three big ones. I was just at home today so I thought I'd show you guys what I was snacking on!

10:00 A.M - Peanut Butter and Banana Slices: I rarely eat breakfast so I guess this counts as that, instead of a mid-morning snack. Pretty self explanatory. Simple, and yummy! 

3:00 P.M - Empanada and Sweet and Sour Sauce: A more filling snack this time. If you don't know what an empanada, it's basically a stuffed bread or pastry. It's typically filled with some sort of meat and vegetables, but I've had some that were filled with fruit. The ones I ate was a mixture of ground beef, carrots, peas and potatoes. And yes, it was delicious.

I also had a strawberry and banana smoothie from Boathouse Farms but I forgot to take a picture of it.

iscelle robee


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