You know those days were you can feel yourself getting sick but not sick enough that you're excused from responsibilities? Yeah, that's been me for the past few days. I guess I should be thankful that I'm not actually sick, but coughing and a runny nose is never fun.

When I'm 'sick', I don't even bother with makeup. I just throw my hair up in a bun, put my glasses on, and read in my bed. But if I still have to go to school or somewhere else, I keep it super simple. Moisturizer because my skin will get dry whenever I'm not feeling well, and I skip an actual base and just pile on the concealer. A bright blush, and a hint of color on my lips will keep me from looking like a hot mess (but usually do anyway) . Since the rest of my makeup is really minimal, I like to make sure my eyebrow game is strong so I put together. 

And now the essentials. Obviously, I take medicine and that's definitely a necessity. But when I'm sick, I love drinking milk tea and watching movies and TV shows on Netflix or Hulu. My sister introduced me to a new series called The 100. It's currently showing on CBS but Netflix Canada has all the episode that have been released already and I'm obsessed. There's only eight episodes so far but I'm really liking it. You guys need to check it out! And I also have Vitamin C gummies because you're never too old to eat gummy medicine. 

iscelle robee


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