I was supposed to do two separate 'My Day' posts, one for April 10th, my birthday, and one for yesterday which was a contest day for my choir. With everything that was going on, I totally forgot to take pictures and update you guys on it.

I spent my birthday at the venue for the contest because our JV choirs were competing that day, and as an officer I got to come along. The JV Women were singing a Filipino song so I was super excited to hear them perform it, and even my parents came along to hear them. It also didn't hurt that I got out of school! I don't know how to explain the competition and how the scores work but just know that they were all fabulous! And for those of you didn't know, my birthday was the same day! I left the contest venue early with my parents so we could go out to dinner with my grandma (really, my grandma's sister but I call her grandma), my aunt and her boyfriend, and my aunt, uncle and my little cousins. I hardly ever have a party to celebrate my birthday but spending the day with my choir and having dinner afterwards was a great way to spend it!

And now yesterday. Wow. Yesterday, the varsity choirs competed and all day long I was super emotional because it was my last time. Even when we were going over the songs in the morning before we left school, I was already in my feels. And as expected, when were finally on stage, I wasn't the only who shed some tears. Talking about it now making me emotional! Okay, I'll go now before I spill my feelings all over on OST.

iscelle robee


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