Avocado & Oatmeal

Because my skin pretty much reacts to flippin' everything, I always stayed away from any sort of face masks. I thought that they'd be too harsh for my skin and cause me to break out even more. The very first face mask I tried was a recommendation from a friend of mine who'd love the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. I did like that one but since I'm almost out of it, I wanted to try something else.

Freeman was another brand that my friend recommended to me. All of their masks had good reviews so I just went with the Avocado and Oatmeal one because I knew that both were supposed to be good for your skin. It feels cool  when you first put it on your face, and strangely enough it smells kind of salty. The ingredients are supposed to make your skin softer and I've only used it a few times but it really seems to work. My skin isn't too squeaky clean, and it doesn't feel tight and dry like I expected. On nights where I use this mask, I crank up my Wicked playlist and bust out "Defying Gravity". Oh yeah, fun times are happenin' over at the OST headquarters. 

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