Hi hello! Welcome to my first reading log. I liked doing weekly reading vlogs because I like talking about books as I'm reading them as supposed to doing regular sit down reviews. Since I'm not doing weekly vlogs, I wanted another way to share my thoughts on the books I'm currently reading. 

    I have a feeling some of these are going to be blank, just like how I skip some days whenever I'm vlogging. I actually have an essay due next week but I still want to read a lot so I'm going to have to be stricter with my schedule and make sure I'm making the most out of the time I've allotted as my "school hours". 

September 1st, Tuesday

    12:05 a.m - I started reading A Darker Shade of Magic on Saturday and I'm about halfway through. I'm going to try and read as much as I can tonight, if not just finish it. I'm liking the story so far. When I looked at what page I was on, I was surprised at how far I had gotten because it feels like nothing major has really happened? It is the first book so maybe this just setting up the world and the characters and the second and third book are chunkier so there's probably more action there. This is my first time reading anything from Victoria/V.E. Schwab and I'm liking it. From where I am in the book, I'm hoping that Rhy shows up again. In the small screentime? pagetime? he's gotten, I liked him. 

    12:22 a.m - I really like the descriptions of the different Londons. Usually when it comes to chunks of  descriptions and information about the world, I kind of get bored and just skim it but I don't mind it here. 

    12:25 a.m - Rhy has appeared because it's his birthday and he's having a parade, as you do.

    1:09 a.m - Okay things are happening. People are dead, buildings have been burnt to the ground. 

   1:29 a.m - Lila reminds me of Inej. Both having to survive on their own at a young age and their shared desire to be out at sea. 

    1:35 a.m - Rhy has appeared once more BUT IT'S NOT HIM.

    2:00 a.m - BRO IS RHY GOING TO DIE??? This is too much stress for two in the morning

    2:14 a.m - wow we love soulmates

    5:30 p.m - I finished A Darker Shade of Magic at like three this morning and I really liked it. LOL at what I said about Holland but I still feel like he's going to appear again 👀. I'm going to start Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare and I'm excited to go back to the Shadowhunter world! Six pages in and the title of the book has already been mentioned.

September 2nd, Wednesday

    I started reading Clockwork Angel last night and got to about 100 pages. Just from Will's first appearance, I can see why so many people like him. I think most people who have read the Shadowhunter books prefer the trilogies over the main books so I'm excited to read these. This morning, I got a notification from Libby that my hold for The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot was available. I know I can get through the book pretty quickly but I like to prioritize my library books and return them as soon as possible so other people can read them. I only read a few pages and then Libby send me another notification for another hold that became available! It's I'll Be the One by Lyla Lee. Just this morning the wait for that was 3 weeks so I guess people decided to cancel their holds. 

    7:39 p.m - This is my first time reading The Princess Diaries and it's different from the movies. Mia and her mom live in New York, her dad is alive and she's in contact with him. She says that she meets him in France?? every summer and Christmas time with her grandma, who she calls "Grandmere". I love all the things Mia writes about her schoolwork, especially her confusion about algebra because SAME.

    7:49 p.m - "So what I want to know is, if my dad's a prince, how come I have to learn Algrebra? I mean, seriously." Mia asking the important questions.

    9:37 p.m - This book is exactly what you'd expect from an early 2000s YA book with a female protagonist. 

    10:12 p.m - LOL Mia can't call Lily because Michael is using the Internet.

    10:50 p.m - Julie Andrews is not very nice in this.

September 3rd, Thursday

    12:00 a.m - Lily is just as annoying in this as she was in the movie.

    I finished The Princess Diaries and I'm not going to continue with the series. At least not any time soon. I decided to read this because I've been rewatching Emma's 24hr readathon where she and her sister read the entire series. I want to continue the series just so I can read the parts where they mention but as for the actual story, it was okay for me. Like I said, it's what you'd expect from an early 2000s YA book with a female protagonist.

    4:50 p.m - I'm finished with schoolwork and I'm going to read Clockwork Angel before moving onto I'll Be the One

    5:39 p.m - I keep forgetting that this is set in a different time and place than the main Shadowhunter series. Tessa is shocked at the thought of Charlotte fighting because she's a woman and I was just like girl what. This is set later in the Victorian era so sensibilities were much more fragile. 

  10:10 p.m - I just realized that whenever people talk about this series, I've never heard anyone mention Jessamine. I guess she doesn't appear in the other books?

   1:29 a.m - MAGNUS BANE

September 4th, Friday


September 5th, Saturday

    I completely forgot I was doing this. It's late in the evening now and I've finished Clockwork Angel. It's nice being back in this world but it also feels new because these are characters I've never met before. That ending really got my attention and all I can think about is [redacted] getting mad at Magnus in the Shadowhunter series because he thinks he's a replacement for [redacted]. Will there be a romance between them?? Can't wait to find out. I'm going to work on my essay some more and then start reading I'll Be The One.

September 6th, Sunday


September 7th, Monday

    My prediction of some days being blank was true and I underestimated how much time this essay would take. I did start I'll Be The One but not far enough to have any real opinions of it. 

iscelle robee


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