In these unprecedented times, we all need a pick me up. And sometimes that comes in the form of rereading books you love. Because of school, I'm not reading as much as I would like to and whenever I start a new book I find myself distracted and unable to fully get into the story. Rereading books I love has always worked with getting me out of a reading slump and I find it comforting to get back into a story I already know and love.

Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

    I feel like this tweet sums it up perfectly. After reading these two books, I was in a book hangover. I finally understood what people meant by that. All I did was read fanfic and put myself in a reading slump because whatever book I was reading wasn't about these characters. I want to go back three months when I hadn't entered the Grishaverse yet and experience it all for the first time again.

Blanca & Roja by Anna-Marie McLemore

    Blanca & Roja was such a great book. The writing was beautiful, the characters were wonderful, the story was magical and heartwarming and charming and all the other adjectives that everyone has said about this book. 

How's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

    Howl's Moving Castle by Ghibli Studios is iconic and I had no idea that it was a novel first. When I saw this book, I thought it was a movie tie-in, like they just took the exact same story and dialogue at the movie and put it in book form. I want to watch the rewatch the movie and then reread this so I can compare the two.

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz

    I think this was my first five star book of the year when I read it back in April. This book really deserves all the praise it gets and I want to go back and highlight and tab the heck out of it.

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson

    This book was my first five star of the year. It's pretty short and a standalone, two things that are rare for a fantasy book. Even though it was short, this was such a fun read. I know a lot of people felt like this book was so basic but that's why I liked it. It felt like a very classic YA story. 

Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

    Reading this book made me feel Seen. I tabbed the book when I first read it and I want to highlight it when I reread it. I have a lot of pages tabbed and I have a feeling I'll have even more highlighted parts when I do my reread.

Rereading favorite books is a form of self-care, friends. Take care of yourselves ✨

iscelle robee


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