Whenever I get into those unproductive slumps, it can take a while for me to break out of that mood. I end up spending hours on Youtube and Tumblr (more than I already do) or I sleep the day away. On the other hand, when I'm feeling motivated I get shit done. When I'm in one of my super productive moods, I get so much work done and I'm always left wishing that these moods hit me more often. I don't know if I've talked about it before but I want to work for a magazine when I finish school. The ultimate goal is Teen Vogue but let's see where the future takes me (hopefully it takes me to Teen Vogue, fingers crossed!). Because of the career that I want, you'll notice a theme in this post. The industry that I want to be a part of is extremely hard to break into so whenever I kind of lose my way and forget why I'm doing what I have to do now in order to do what I want to do later, I watch these and remember the goals I'm working towards.

The Devil Wear Prada

The September Issue

Future of Fashion (series on the British Vogue Youtube channel)

Legally Blonde

Fashion at Work (old series on Teen Vogue Youtube channel)

iscelle robee


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