Finals week is upon us students. If you're already on winter break, lucky you. If you still have classes and your finals aren't this week, keep working and good luck! I have four finals this week; two on Monday, one on Tuesday and the last on Thursday. I was going to do a post on how I study but I really doubt it'd help anyone since my method of studying is really just reading and reviewing the material. Nothing special, I'm sure everyone does that. But I still wanted to do something study related so I thought I'd share some of my favorite background noises that I use whenever I study. Sometimes music ends up distracting me because of the lyrics so that's why I chose these.

RainyCafe - You can listen to the rain or sounds from a cafe.
Harry Potter - You can choose to listen to the sounds of your House common room, the Great Hall and other places around Hogwarts and the wizarding world.
Coffitivity - Similar to the first one. You can choose depending on the atmosphere of the cafe you want.
Sunbeamsjess - You guys already know my love for Jess' vlogs, especially her Vlogtober videos. Hearing her talk about her school work is relaxing and motivates me to work on my own schoolwork. Her music choices are also really good!

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