The hardest part of school is over and now it's summer! Time to relax and spend some quality time with me, myself and I. If you're anything like me, then you love down time and just being by yourself. Because I'm going through this whole "bettering myself" journey, May was a  month where I thought about the future a lot what with school ending and everything. It was pretty emotional but hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? 

Goodbyes are inevitable: The last week of school was a super emotional one because it dawned to me that I wouldn't be able to see my friends who were graduating. Goodbyes are just a part of growing up, and even though it sucks you just need to believe in those friendships and relationships and know that true friends stay in your life no matter what.

Some friendships are only meant for a certain time and place in your life: This kind of goes against what I just said but t's exhausting trying to stay friends with people who don't want to be friends anymore. You're constantly thinking about how good things were before but friendships shouldn't be difficult. They should come naturally and without any effort. If you've been trying and nothing is working, then it's time to let those friendships go.

Nothing is set in stone: And I mean nothing. Be flexible and ready to accept change.

iscelle robee


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