The last time I had a diary was back in middle school and I actually wrote in it everyday. When I looked through it the other day, all I talked about where boys - which is hilarious. It's super cringe but it's funny how the way I wrote back then is the same as I do now.

I've been rewatching The Carrie Diaries and seeing her write in her diary every night just made me want to write again. Well, write in a notebook and not on here or an a Word document. There's something very calming about writing with an actual pen on actual paper. I started writing in this notebook, that I got at Target, in the last two weeks of May and even now when I'm not doing as much as I did when I was in school I still try to write in it everyday. Whether it's an actual "diary entry" - trust me, I'm cringing - or just little thoughts and ideas that I had that day, I want to get into the habit of writing. 

This is also helping me with letting out my feelings. I'm not good at putting how I feel into words and whenever I talk to people about it, I always end up not knowing what to say and keeping things to myself. With a journal, I can ramble on even if none of it makes sense. It's like talking to my best friends when I can't reach them and rant.

iscelle robee


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